Steampunk Postcard

I've been meaning to make something steampunky for a long time, but somehow never actually have (until now). So this is my first steampunk creation (many firsts for me this year)! I am quite pleased with it and hope you'll like it too. This steampunk postcard features a lot of stamping and embossing, some patterned [...]

Teeny-tiny Hardbacks & Bella

Here is another one of my Halloween Graphic 45 miniature projects. This time I used the Olde Curiosity Shoppe collection to make three hardback junk journals. They measure approximately 1" x 1" and were really fun to make. For the pages I used little scraps of G45, handmade, and coffee-stained paper. The books also feature [...]

Halloween in Wonderland

When one of your favourite designer companies dedicates a collection to one of your favourite pieces of literature -- magic happens! I mean, this is probably a very specific scenario, but I'm sure some of you out there can relate to this, right? I am talking to you, Graphic 45 fans! After all, over the [...]

October 31, Wednesday (Addams)

So here it is. My first post. Wrapped in synthetic spiderweb, coated in sugar and artificial dyes, it smells of mulled wine and pumpkin insides. Spooky and smelly. I could say "aromatic", but "smelly" fits in well with all things Halloween — so much for fake blood and eyeball candy. This year I carved a scene [...]